Lose Body Fat

Workouts To Lose Body Fat – In 10 Minutes

Workouts To Lose Body Fat

I have 4 x workouts that will help you to lose body fat. This is especially great because we never have enough time so these will take you on average around 10 minutes. I am going to show you how to lose body fat in your own home, at work, in the garden or at the beach.

As far as equipment is concerned all you need is your body. So not only is it a great way to increase cardio and strength but you will also improve balance and coordination too. Remember by increasing muscle you will naturally burn calories and decrease fat.

Please check with your doctor or health practitioner before embarking on a new exercise routine.

If you do these 10 Minute Workouts 2 to 3 times per week you will see some great results, feel better and sleep well.

Other HiiT Workouts for you to try also.

Workout To Lose Body Fat – Session 1

2 Sets

1 Minute Each Exercise

1 Minute Rest At End Of Set

Aim to do as many repetitions as you can with good technique during that 1 minute.

Warm Up for 1 Minute

Exercise 1 – Squat Jumps

Stand feet hip width apart, open your chest by sliding your shoulder blades down your spine. A squeeze in through your core so you feel tall. Sit into your heels by pushing your butt back and down as if sitting into a chair. Push through your feet to jump up powering through your legs. Land feet softly on the floor and knees slightly bent and repeat.

Alternative: – Power squats without the jump so your feet remain on the floor.


Exercise 2 – Alternate Side LungesAlternate Side Lunges

Stand feet hip width apart, again open the chest and slide shoulders down the spine with a little core activation so you feel nice and tall. Starting on your right take a wide step as far as you can sink into your right glute. Your left leg is extended, and you should be able to feel a little muscle activation along your inner thigh. Then push off your right leg to bring foot back to start and repeat on the left side. During this process try to keep chest lifted, core tight and squeeze the glutes to bring leg to center.






Exercise 3 – Press Up with Rotation

Start in a plank position either on your toes or on your knees depending on your ability to perform a press-up with good technique. Start with wrists under your shoulders and again we want to elongate the spine by gently squeezing shoulder blades together and away from our ears. Brace your abdominal and glutes. Push your heels gently towards the floor unless you are kneeling. Gently aim your chest towards the floor as low as you can go holding that foundation. Then pushing through the chest lengthen your arms straight. At the top of the position leading with your right arm rotate through the shoulder looking behind and up towards the ceiling. Replace the arm back to center and repeat with a press-up and rotation to the left-hand side. Continue to alternate side to side.

Rest 1 Minute

Repeat next two sets.

Cool Down 1 Minute


Workout To Lose Body Fat – Session 2

2 x Sets

1 Minute 3 x Exercises

Reverse Lunges 20 Reps

Single leg Glute Bridges 20 Reps

Side Plank leg Raises 20 Reps

30 Second Rest Between Each Exercise

Rest 1 Minutes Between Each Set

Warm Up for 2 Minute

Reverse Lunges


Exercise 1 – Reverse Lunges

Stand feet hip width apart, open your chest by sliding your shoulder blades down your spine. A squeeze in through your core so you feel tall. Start on the right taking a big step behind you. Drop knee to floor so you create a 90-degree angle. Step back up to the start and repeat on the left leg.




Exercise 2 – Single Leg Glute Bridges

Start on the floor lying on your back. Bring both heels as close to your butt as possible and palms facing upwards. Keeping your left leg bent straighten out the right leg lifting off the floor. On the left side push your hips into the air squeezing through your glutes and activating your core. Your right leg will rise automatically. Repeat exercise 10 times on left and then swap to 10 times on right.

Exercise 3 – Side Plank with Side Leg Raises

Start seated on your left side with elbow under your shoulder, hips on floor and legs outstretched so your body is in a long line. Choice of either two knees on the floor, one knee and one leg outstretched or both legs long. Push your hips up nice and strong by squeezing your abdominal muscles and your glutes. Then lift your leg up as far as you can but no higher than hip height, so you maintain alignment top to toe. Simply raise and lower your top leg. If on knees raise if you feel comfortable or just your one leg depending on option choice. Repeat leg raise for 10 reps. Turn over and repeat on the right.

Rest 1 Minutes at the end of circuit and repeat the whole thing again.

Cool Down 2 Minutes

1 Set = 8 Minute Workout

Workout To Lose Body Fat – Session 3

30 Seconds On

15 Seconds Off

Warm Up – 60 SecsWorkouts To Lose Body Fat

Plyo Lunges

Press Ups

Squat Jumps


Mountain Climbers

Single Leg Deadlift

Cool Down – 90 Secs


Plyometric Lunges

Start in an upright standing position with feet hip width apart. Take a big step behind you on the right leg and drop your knee down so you form a right angle with your front and back leg. Chest is open and shoulder blades lengthened down the spine. Push up with both feet and whilst in the air cross to the left leg with front and back leg at right angles. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Press Ups

Come into a plank position either upright feet and hands or on all four. Place your hands directly under your shoulder’s chest height. Keep your shoulders away from your ears squeeze your core and glutes. Lower your body to the floor squeezing shoulder blades together. Before you reach the bottom Push through your chest, squeeze glutes a little more pushing back to starting position. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Squat Jumps

Back to standing upright position with feet hip width apart. Slightly turn our toes and ensure knees track over toes as you sit your butt back and down. From that position spring into a jump using the arms and return soft landing to the start. Repeat 30 seconds


Option to be on your knees and forearms or on feet and hands. Lengthen shoulders away from the ears and hands under shoulders to feel the alignment all the way down the spine. Hold this position whilst squeezing core and glutes. Hold for 30 seconds.

Mountain Climbers

Into your plank position with hands placed under your shoulder’s chest height. Alternate your legs by bringing knees to chest pushing into the heels on the return. Try to keep core and glutes squeezed strong.

Single Leg Deadlift

Standing position feet hip width apart. Once, again we want a good tall alignment, so shoulders lengthened down the spine, chest open, core activated, and glutes squeezed. Hang your arms either side and slowly standing on the right leg hinge from the hips allowing your left leg to lift off the floor. By pushing your hips back, lengthen your torso forward allowing your arms to reach your knees hands in a fist clenched position. When you have reached your knees with rear leg straight behind you, start to come back to the start. 30 seconds on the right and 30 seconds on the left.

Cool Down.

Workout To Lose Body Fat – Session 4

Whether you are new to exercise or just want to fit exercise around your busy schedule this circuit is great for you.

Beginner = 1 Set

Intermediate = 3 Sets

Advanced = 4 Sets

30 Seconds Per Exercise

60 Second Rest at end of full circuit

Plan to do 2 – 3 times per week

Warm Up – 90 Secs


Plyo Lunges

Russian Twist

Knee Lifts

Jumping Jacks

Press Ups

Cool Down – 90 Secs


Start with feet hip width apart and abdominal tight. Lift the chest tall by opening and drawing your shoulder blades lengthened down your spine. Once you are in position place your hands to the front of your body in your ready position. Then slowly push your hips back sink into your heels as if sitting into a chair, with your knees tracking the direction of your toes. Your hands will start to raise until they come to shoulder level. Return by squeezing the glutes to raise yourself to start position and releasing the arms down. Repeat for 30 secs.

Plyometric Lunges

Repeat start position with feet hip width apart and squeeze the core. Chest is lifted and shoulder blades are lengthened down the spine. Take a large step forward on the right leg and drop your back knee so that your front and back leg are at right angles. You should be able to see your front toe as your body is equal distance between your front and back foot. With a jump into the air, switch legs ensuring the 90-degree angle position. Repeat 30 seconds switching legs.

Russian Twists




Russian Twist

Sit on the floor with legs outstretched and ensuring you are on your seat bones. Bring your feet halfway back towards you with your knees high. Clasp your hands in front of you making a circle with your arms in front. If you are able lift your feet off the floor slightly and engage your abdominal. Take your hands to the right and look over your left shoulder so you feel that upper body twist. Then take hands to the left and look over your right shoulder. Continue for 30 seconds alternating sides.





Knee Lifts

Once again, we start in our neutral alignment with feet hip width apart, abdominal squeezed, chest lifted, and shoulders lengthened down our spine. First lift right foot and then left foot. Increase the intensity by adding a jump as you lift. Allow your arms to swing in a running motion. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Jumping Jacks

Align your body in that neutral starting position. Think of your squat position and this time we are going jump legs wide and into that squat taking arms high up to shoulder height. Then we will jump feet back to the start and repeat. 30 Seconds.


Press UpsPress Ups

Come into a plank position and we are again going to find that alignment. Wrists under the shoulders. Shoulder blades lengthened down the spine. Squeeze your abdominal and your glutes. Lower your body as one until your chest almost reaches the floor then squeeze through your chest to push yourself back up. 30 Seconds to finish.









60 Second rest then repeat.


Please remember before you embark on any new exercise routine to consult your doctor or physician.

These workouts should be challenging but if they become uncomfortable then please stop and seek medical advice.

Beginners should look to start slowly and pick the option that is right for you. Work to your ability and keep your technique. If you feel tired, then stop and rest.


These HiiT Sessions are a great way to increase your cardio capacity, improve strength and lose the fat.

Not only will you burn calories throughout the workout but for another 23 hours later.

Everyone can spare 10 minutes in their day 3 times per week. Our health is worth it!

I hope that you enjoy these workouts which you can also see on my YouTube Channel


If you would like to know or have any questions, then please let me know in the comments below.



  1. A

    Wow, these are helpful techniques for me, as core workouts and HIIT routines are my most-hated ones but are the ones I actually need. Is it okay to choose around just 3 from the Session 4 circuit (i.e., I’ll remove the press-ups)?

    I like lunges and side planks better, especially during a yoga routine. I’ve been doing yoga for years, but I feel like I need to work on my core more. I don’t see much changes in my abdominal area, only on my legs and arms (*sad face*). Maybe it’s time to do more hard work (literally). So I bookmarked this for future reference, especially it’s just under 10 minutes. I checked out your YT channel too, and I enjoyed the videos. I actually played one for my workout today. You are so strong! Cheers, A

    1. Imelda Easthorpe

      Thank you so for your comments,

      I will put a few more workouts onto the You Tube Channel too. 

      The circuits are put together to ensure that your whole body is being worked fully which means that if you remove the press ups it will affect the workout effect. 

      Press ups are one of the best exercise you can do as they all your muscles. Try going onto your knees or doing box press ups to start off and then build up. I have also put on a press up challenge which could help you imporve the press up technique.

      Thank you again


  2. Roy

    Imelda, you have a great article here, with a good program for a HIIT workout that doesn’t take very long. In addition to the YouTube channel, the exercises you have put together in this program is very good. I am using them in my martial arts classes to get the maximum result out of a 60 minutes session. The session has to cover basic technics, combinations, partner work and katas(forms). In addition, the lesson has to contain strength and specific cardio training. Your program is an excellent example of this.

    A question regarding Plyo Lunges and Jumping Jacks, I have developed a case of mild arthritis, and as such has frequently serious difficulties with performing these kinds of exercises. Do you have some alternative exercises that will cater for persons with conditions like mine?


    1. Imelda Easthorpe

      Hello Roy,

      Thank you greatly for your comments. It is so great to hear how you have implemented these workouts so I am so pleased.

      With regards to the Plyo Lunges and Jumping Jacks you can bring the levels down but keep the efforts up so you still get the benefits. Alternatively I would give other exercises depending on your restrictions, so please let me know.

      Thank you again


  3. Knightstone

    I love exercises that only require my body as the equipment.  I enjoy boxing as well, so, these exercises will be great to incorporate into my training.  The idea that these exercises will keep my body burning calories for another 23 hours is great. To me it means I can feel better about the hours that I am seated while I am at my desk.  Very excited to try these exercises. Thanks.

    1. Imelda Easthorpe

      Thank you so much,

      I greatly appreciated you taking the time to comment about my workouts.

      Yes, the beauty about these exercises is not just about the 10 minute commitment but your body is still burning energy afterwards.

      All the best


  4. Marisa

    Hi Imelda, this is an excellent and useful article. I like your idea of suggesting 10 minute workouts, as it does encourage one to exercise when you know you can achieve results in a short time. In session one you suggest a 1 minute rest at end of set. I feel resting after exercise is equally important. We do that after every posture in yoga practice. I tried the side lunges you recommend and I think they are very effective on the glutes and inner thighs. The Russian twist is one of my favourites.

    Thanks for sharing. I will bookmark it or better print it and keep it handy and work out. Marisa

    1. Imelda Easthorpe

      Thank you Marisa,

      You are so correct about the resting it is just as important. Recover then work harder so that you can get stronger. I try to mix up my exercises so people can really feel the benefits.

      Kind regards


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