This workout is great to do if you have laid the foundations to kick start your fitness again or if you already have a good fitness level and you wish to add something extra into the mix.
Beginners need to be careful as this workout is tough and you really need to start slow. The best way to do this is to lessen the time and the number of repetitions.
This workout is an efficient way to get fit and increase your performance.
Bonus it will seriously burn calories.
30 Minute Workout
This workout is 4 sets of 5 minute repetitions and only 3 exercises repeated. You need to go as hard as you can to reap the rewards but remember this is at a challenging pace for you.
As I mentioned earlier this is not the workout I would initially recommend for beginners but if you do wish to try it please start slowly and maybe only 1 to 2 sets.
Each Set
5 Minutes x 3 Exercises – Going as hard and as quick as you can.
3 x Exercises – all based on Squats.
To make this workout interesting we increase Intensity/ Speed
2 Minutes Rest – In between every set
You should feel that you have worked hard enough that you really need the rest. The rest is important to increase our fitness levels and replenish our energy to start again.
Please ensure you Warm Up, Cool Down and Stretch with every workout you do.
Exercise 1 – Squats – 30 Seconds
Start in your neutral position. Feet hip width apart, core engaged, chest open with shoulders drawn down the spine feeling tall.
Next you want to sit your butt back and down (as if siting back into a chair) keeping chest tall. Try to sit no lower than knee height.
To come up we push through the floor with our feet, squeezing your glutes and your core to push yourself back to standing position.
Use your arms to make this more difficult by lifting in front at shoulder height.
Repeat this exercise as fast as you can but ensure good technique for 30 seconds.
Exercise 2 – Squat Jumps – 20 Seconds
We are now increasing the intensity of our squats by adding a jump which is equally going to increase the heart rate which will help us to burn calories.
Start in your neutral position. Feet hip width apart, core engaged, chest open with shoulders drawn down the spine feeling tall.
Again you want to sit your butt back and down (as if siting back into a chair) keeping chest tall. Try to sit no lower than knee height.
To come up we push through the floor with our feet, squeezing your glutes and your core to jump yourself back to standing position. It is really important with your jumping that you land softly and keep your knees soft to lessen injuries. You might feel the need to use the arms as you jump up so they are trying to touch the sky to help that elevation.
Repeat this exercise as fast and safely as you can for 20 seconds. Remember technique is key.
Exercise 3 – Low Squat Jumps – 10 Seconds
Intensity increases even more to really burn the calories and bring strength into the legs.
Back to your neutral position. Feet wider than hip width apart, core engaged, chest open with shoulders drawn down the spine feeling tall.
Next you want to sit your butt back and down as low as you can go keeping chest tall. You will find that your arms and hands will reach the floor. You will also look like a “frog” springing into action.
To come up we push through the floor with our feet, squeezing your glutes and your core to jump and land back to your low squat position. It is vitally important with your jumping that you land softly and keep your knees soft to lessen injuries. Keep the core strong as this is your foundation.
Repeat – 5 Minutes
The first set combines 3 exercises and you continue to work for 5 minutes.
Squat – 20 Seconds
Squat Jumps – 20 Seconds
Low Squat Jumps – 10 Seconds
Once 5 minutes is complete you should feel like you need a rest if not you have not worked hard enough.
Rest – 2 Minutes
This is your time to recover which is an important component to increasing our fitness levels.
We bring our heart rate down, drink plenty of water to re hydrate and wipe our sweat.
In resting, we are preparing our body for the next set and calming our mind.
Do not miss this rest out as it is important for our bodies energy system to recover so that we can demand more. It is through this demand that our fitness levels increase.
Repeat – 4 Times
Remember this workout lasts for 30 minutes so we need to repeat the above.
5 Minute Sets of
Squats – 20 Seconds
Squat Jumps – 20 Seconds
Low Squat Jumps – 10 Seconds
Rest – 2 Minutes
Keep an eye on your technique as this is so important especially as your body becomes more tired.
This workout is called Pump Up The Heart as you will start to feel your cardiovascular system working especially as you go through sets 3 and 4.
30 minutes of intensity setting your own challenging pace, so ensure you have some good energetic music in the background. Set your stop watch ready so that you do not even have to think about time especially as the brain starts to lose concentration as your body becomes more tired.
I really hope that you enjoy this workout which you can do anywhere so no excuses for not having the time or space. I especially enjoy doing this workout on the beach which adds a whole new dynamic of intensity.
Keep an eye out on more exercises like these to get your body working in an easy and efficient manner.
Enjoy and let me know how you get on.
Michael Rowe
One thing that did cross my mind when reading this blog was could it possibly have a section which help to navigate tp where the right type of exercise for each particular age group or fitness level. Is this something you will be doing at all?
I really liked the fact that you were not only detailing the exercises and their benefits but also encouraging the reader with self confidence and mindset.
All the best
Michael Rowe
Imelda Easthorpe
Hello Michael
Thank you so much for your comments and your very good question.
Yes I do plan on putting exercises together that best suit certain age groups and abilities. I am therefore pleased that you believe this will help.
Thank you so much.
Isn’t this just great to see here. Well! I’m just starting out back with learning to get back my rhythm with working out and the best possible thing I need right now is to securely engage in cardio work outs as they always help with gingering me enough to do exactly the best things I want for myself. This is really great here and thank you so much for sharing out here. I really fancy this a lot. I will try it out from tomorrow henceforth
Imelda Easthorpe
Thank you Ella,
I am so pleased that you have enjoyed my Pump Up The Heart Challenge as it is such a good cardio workout which is very simply and so effective.
Any help let me know.
Imelda Easthorpe
Hi Ella,
Thank you so much for your feedback which is greatly appreciated. One thing I like with this workout is that it is so simple but really effective. Good luck and enjoy.