High Intensity Interval Training (HiiT) is a great workout. This type of workout helps you to workout for short periods of time and achieve maximum results.
I would like to introduce you to my HiiT Workout which only takes 10 minutes so there are no excuses that you do not have enough time.
This workout hits your whole body so will burn maximum calories, increase your fitness levels and strengthen your muscles at the same time.
If you are new to this type of exercise or a complete beginner please ensure you seek medical advice before embarking on this program.
If you exercise regularly already then you might want to increase the workout and mix the 4 weeks up to get even greater benefits.
Aim to work to your best level which is the maximum that you can do. There are plenty alternatives along the way to suit different fitness levels and abilities.
Challenge 1 – 5 Exercise HiiT Workout
Yes, it’s the first week of this challenge and a perfectly good reason to get your fitness back on track.
I know that it is always hard to fit in any kind of exercise, but this is so short that there is no excuse worthy to stop you. I have the perfect start to Challenge you made up of 4 different workouts with increased progression.
If you are fit then mix up these workouts throughout the week.
It is really important that you seek medical advice before embarking on any new form of exercise.
Here are your first 5 New Exercises in this first workout.
Each exercise you will do for 30 seconds and then rest for 10 so it is a short sharp workout. At the end of the 5 Exercises rest for 1 Minute and then repeat as many times as you feel you can.
I recommend starting at 2 sets and work up depending on how much time you have. 2 Sets is perfect to give you results providing you work to your maximum in the intervals. Do this workout 3 – 5 days per week and watch your improvements. Your aim is to do as many repetitions as you can.
Please ensure you also do a quick warm up and cool down.
5 Exercises – Each 30 Seconds – Work to your maximum pace and strength
Power Squats
Oblique Twists (Alternate)
Mountain Climbers
Single Legged Deadlifts (Alternate)
Plyometric Lunges
10 Second rest between each exercise
Neutral Stance Position To Begin
Stand feet hip width apart. Stand tall opening up your chest by drawing your shoulder blades down your spine. Engage your core and sink into your feet looking straight ahead of you.
Power Squats
Start in a neutral stance position. Initiate this exercise by pushing your butt back and down as if sitting into a chair to approximately knee height. From that position jump into the air returning back to that squat position.
Oblique Twists
Lie on your back with your knees-up and feet on the floor. Place your finger tips by the side of your temple. Aim to reach your arm across your body to the opposite knee feeling the twist down your side. Repeat on the other side.
Mountain Climbers
Come into a plank position engaging your core, squeezing your glutes with your heels pushing down to the floor. Start on your right leg by bringing knee up to chest and then swap sides. Should feel like you are climbing.
Single Legged Deadlifts
Start in your neutral stance. Start on the right and by lifting your foot and tipping your upper body forward reaching with your right arm until you are perpendicular to the floor. Come back and repeat on the other side. When returning back to the start really think about pushing through foot on the floor and squeeze your glutes.
Plyo Lunges
Neutral stance and step your right leg back with knee to the floor. You should find yourself in a 90/90 degree angle and be able to see your front toe. Your aim is to jump up switching legs.
30 seconds of work – 10 seconds rest – As fast as you can with good safe technique.
Between sets, you are resting for 1 minute.
Aim for a minimum of 2 sets build to 4 to achieve great results.
Warm up and cool down for approximately 2 minutes.
It is important to seek medical advice before embarking on any new exercise.
The timer App that I use is called Tabline and I also use Pro Seconds and Tabata Timer. My suggestion is find one easy to use and then press play so you can concentrate on your workout rather than time.
Total Body Hiit Workout
Challenge 2 – 5 Exercise HiiT Workout
Yes, it’s my HiiT Challenge 2 and a perfectly good reason to get your fitness back on track. Hopefully, you enjoyed the first one and whilst I know that it is always hard to fit in any kind of exercise this gives a lot of bang for your money!
Therefore, I have the perfect Challenge for you which will give you great results fast.
Another 5 New Exercises in this HiiT Workout. Each exercise you will do for 30 seconds, 10 seconds rest and 1 minute between each set, so it is a short sharp workout.
Do this workout 3 to 5 days per week and watch your improvements. Your aim is to do as many repetitions as you can as fast as you can.
Please ensure you do a quick warm up and cool down for two minutes.
5 Exercises – Each 30 Seconds and 10 seconds rest
Russian Twists
Knee Lifts
Star Jumps
Neutral Stance Position
Stand feet hip width apart. Stand tall opening up your chest by drawing your shoulder blades down your spine. Engage your core and sink into your feet looking straight ahead of you.
Start in a neutral stance position. Squat down to the floor placing your hands down. Jump your feet straight behind you and then jump forward bringing your knees by your elbows. Finish off by jumping up in the air. If too much do a half burpee where you walk feet back and forth and come to standing only. A great way to work all muscles and get your heart rate going.
Russian Twists
Sit up on with your knees bent and feet either off or on the floor. Clasp your hands in front of your body. Twist your upper torso side to side keeping your lower limbs still.
Knee Lifts
Start in your neutral stance position. Lift your right leg up to chest and then swap sides. Arms should move with the knees in a running type formation. Keep lifting your knees high and as fast as possible. Alternatively, march on the spot or lift knee without the running jump.
Lie down on the fall on your stomach. Both arms and legs are long. Start with right arm and left leg and you want to stretch as far as you can on the opposing sides then repeat on the other side. The aim is to alternate as fast as you can but with good technique. Keep your core strong and think about reaching forwards and backwards as far as you can with a little lift. You should feel the extension through your back, shoulders, butt and legs. Please ensure you are looking down towards the floor so your whole back is in alignment including your neck.
Star Jumps
Neutral stance but with feet slightly wider than your hips. You will then jump legs out wider taking your arms up into the air forming the star shape. Then jump your legs back together and hands by your side. If that is too much step out one foot at a time and step in one foot at the time. Hands still lift following your legs.
30 seconds of work – 10 seconds rest – As fast as you can with good safe technique.
Between sets, you are resting for 1 minute.
Aim for a minimum of 2 sets build to 4 to achieve great results.
Warm up and cool down for approximately 2 minutes.
Challenge 3 – 5 Exercise HiiT Workout
Week 3 of our Challenge and hopefully you are seeing good results.
You have 5 New Exercises based around different planes of movement. Each exercise you will do for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest, so it is a short sharp workout.
Do this workout 3 to 5 days per week and watch your improvements. Your aim is to do as many repetitions as you can as fast as you can, so you work at your maximum rate possible.
Hopefully, 2 sets are good for you to begin with but look to moving to 3 to 4 sets depending on time and ability.
Please ensure you do a quick 2 minute warm up and 2 minute cool down.
5 Exercises – Each 30 Seconds with 10 seconds rest
Lateral Lunges
Plank to Elbow
Box Steps
Reverse Snow Angels
Neutral Stance Position
Stand feet hip width apart. Stand tall opening up your chest by drawing your shoulder blades down your spine. Engage your core and sink into your feet looking straight ahead of you.
Lateral Lunges
Start in a neutral stance position. Step your right foot out to the side, then push into your hip as if you are pushing against the wall. Step back to neutral and the repeat on the left-hand side. Move as fast as you can push off your foot each time so you can feel the muscles engaged.
Plank To Elbow
Start in a full plank with wrists underneath your shoulders lengthened down the spine away from your ears. Important to lock your core and squeeze your glutes by pushing your heels down to the floor. Start on the right and drop your elbow to the floor and then repeat on the left taking your body with you but remaining in a strong hold. Then on the right push back up and the same on the left. If your brain can handle it always start on the opposite side to the last one. If this is too challenging, then just hold the plank stepping your feet out wide and coming back in. Keep your hips low and a neutral spine.
Box Steps
Start in your neutral stance position. Step right leg forward sinking through the knees and punch with your right hand at the same time. Then step forward doing the same on the left. Step back on the right and then on the left. This time step forward on the left to start and continual alternation. You are aiming for speed and strength through your punches.
Reverse Snow Angels
Lie down on the floor on your stomach with face down. Both arms and legs are long. Take your arms in a semi-circle motion coming round to your sides, then you want to return. Your legs you want to take our wide and then close at the same time. Important to keep line of sight towards the floor so that your neck is long and in line with the whole length of the spine. Ensure you squeeze your core and your glutes during this exercise.
Neutral stance but with feet slightly wider than your hips. Jump step to the right with your left leg behind you and taking your arms with you as if in a skating motion. Then jump across to the left doing the same thing. You will find that you will lean slightly forward. If jumping is too much then you can just step. Keep that core strong.
30 seconds of work – 10 seconds rest – As fast as you can with good safe technique.
Between sets, you are resting for 1 minute.
Aim for a minimum of 2 sets build to 4 to achieve great results.
Warm up and cool down for approximately 2 minutes.
It is important to seek medical advice before embarking on any new exercise.
Lets Workout – 10 Minutes Only
Challenge 4 – 5 Exercise HiiT Workout
Week 4 and final Challenge in this workout series and you should be feeling great and seeing good results.
You have 5 New Exercises which are based on my double trouble routine.
Each exercise you will do for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest, so it is a short sharp workout.
Do this workout 3 to 5 days per week and watch your improvements. Your aim is to do as many repetitions as you can. 1 minute rest in between sets. Ideally a minimum of 2 sets aiming towards 4.
However, this is a short sharp workout and more effective if you did regularly.
Please ensure you do a quick 2 minute warm up and cool down.
5 Exercises – Each 30 Seconds On and 10 seconds rest
Squat To Crossover Lunge
Walking Press Up
Jump Steps
Walk Out & Back
Plyometric Lunges to Half Burpee
Neutral Stance Position
Stand feet hip width apart. Stand tall opening up your chest by drawing your shoulder blades down your spine. Engage your core and sink into your feet looking straight ahead of you.
Squat to Crossover Lunge
Start in a neutral stance position. Sit back and down into a squat. As you come back step your right foot behind your leg like a crossover. Come back to squat and then crossover on the left-hand side. You want to really feel that you are using your legs and feeling in the quads and your glutes. Once again fast and strong is your aim during your 30 seconds.
Walking Press Up
Start in a full plank with wrists underneath your shoulders lengthened down the spine away from your ears. Important to lock your core and squeeze your glutes by pushing your heels down to the floor. Press up down the centre, come up, walk your hands to the right press up. Back to centre walk your hands to the left and press up. Continue to repeat. If a full press up is too much then you can take your knees to the floor to make easier.
Jump Steps
Start in your neutral stance position. Jump forward, jump back, jump to the right and then to the left. Keep changing the positions but make sure you complete the box. Example back, left, right forward etc. Again, if too much then a stepping motion is appropriate.
Bear Crawls
Start in your neutral stance then roll down your spine bending your legs into a squat until you reach the floor. Crawl out in front of you until you can go no further then walk back to start position. Keep those knees soft and core strong. Again, your aim is for speed. To make easier take your legs wider and have a little more depth in your bent legs.
Plyometric Lunge with Half Burpee
Neutral stance and step your right leg back into a lunge. Drop your knee and set up your 90/90-degree angle. Jump into the air swapping sides. Do this for 4 reps then add your half burpee squat, jump your legs back and then jump forward and come back to neutral. If too much to jump, then please step.
30 seconds of work – 10 seconds rest – As fast as you can with good safe technique.
Between sets, you are resting for 1 minute.
Aim for a minimum of 2 sets build to 4 to achieve great results.
Warm up and cool down for approximately 2 minutes.
It is important to seek medical advice before embarking on any new exercise.
I really hope that you enjoy this Challenge HiiT Workout. A simple but effective workout which will take you no longer than 10 minutes so no excuses that you do not have enough time.
A great way to burn fat, increase your fitness and strengthen your muscles so fantastic as part of your weight loss program.
Mix up these 4 workouts to really work your body functionally through different planes of movement.
Great for beginners and people who exercise regularly as you can fit into your current regime.
Please remember that before on embarking any type of exercise for the first time that you seek medical advice.
Enjoy this workout.
Great info here in your article HiiT Workout Exercises – 10 Minutes – Great Results… Way to get to the point in the beginning paragraphs. It’s only 10 minutes of your time so no excuses!! I’m going to start this today. Do you plan on making any video workouts soon?
Imelda Easthorpe
Thank you so much Aylse,
I am so pleased that you have enjoyed my workouts.
I am planning on doing some videos to go with this so I will let you know where I post.
Thank you
I have really never heard of this type of exercise before but I don’t mind giving it a try though. I feel.likeiteill be really nice to be able to learn all about some new type of exercise. You have given this very valuable information and I have to give this exercise a try now especially because the challenges don’t take so much time which is always my excuse but now I can’t give any excuses. Thanks a lot for this.
Imelda Easthorpe
Thank you so much for your comments,
Yes, it will only take 10 minutes so no excuse and done a few times a week will enable you to really feel the difference. It is an all over body workout as well as giving you that cardio kick. Perfect!
Enjoy and let me know how you get on.
Hey I really appreciate this challenge especially since I just started working out at home on Monday and needed some good ideas. I’m gonna try the easier workout for now (Challenge 1) and see how it goes. I know you put pictures to illustrate and explained but maybe you can do some shorts vids for people like me who don’t get it unless they see it.
Imelda Easthorpe
Hello Oranzo,
Thank you so much for your comments which I greatly appreciate. I am so pleased that you are going to give these a go as they are so simple and effective. I will definitely be putting out some videos.
Thank you